June 23, 1911
The Haralson County Tribune -- BUCHANAN, GA
Summons Comes to W. H. Latham
End Came Monday Morning
Buried With Masonic Honors
Mr. W.H. Latham passed away at his home a few miles north of Buchanan at about 9 o'clock Monday morning after an illness of several months of Bright's Disease. The deceased was about 32 years of age at the time of his death. He was born and reared in Haralson County and numbered his friends by his acquaintances.
The deceased leaves, besides a devoted wife and three children, a father, mother, and six brothers: A.B. Latham, J.T. Latham Jr. of Brunswick, Thos. J. Latham, Victor and Virgil Latham of this county, and Col. Edgar Latham of Atlanta. He also leaves a large circle of admiring friends to mourn his untimely and sad death.
The deceased was a popular and useful member of the Masonic Order and Odd Fellows and was with the honors of the first laid to rest in the burying ground at Philadelphia Church about 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon.
Peace to his noble ashes.
---The family of Mr. W.H. Latham requests the Tribune to thank the good people of the surrounding county for their many noble acts of kindness shown them during the ordeal through which they have just passed; should misfortune, sickness, or death visit any of their homes, they will receive at their hands the same full measure of generous and tender aid and sympathy they brought to their home when death was an inmate there.
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