Will of Henry Latham and Vashti C. Latham
State of Georgia
Haralson County
BE IT REMEMBERED that we HENRY LATHAM AND VASHTI C. LATHAM of the County of Haralson in the State of Georgia do make this our last Will and Testament in the manner following:
We bequeath our souls to God who gave them.
We give and devise unto our son ROBERT D. LATHAM five Lots of land in the 20th Dist & 3rd Sect of Haralson County Georgia containing forty acres each more or less No. 826:877:878:879 & 899 valued at fifteen hundred dollars with all the buildings and improvements thereunto in anywise belonging We give and Devise unto our son THOMAS S. LATHAM lots of Land No. 885:886:892:959:960 in the 20th Dist & 3RD Sect. of Haralson County containing each forty acres more or less also half of lots No. 958: 966: 965 in the 20th Dist. 3rd Sect. of Haralson County Each containing twenty acres more or less and all valued at eight hundred dollars.
We give and devise unto our son JOHN T. LATHAM lots of land No,. 667, 679, 680, 728, 752, 753, 754, 802, 803 in the 20th District, 3rd Sect. of Haralson County containing each forty acres more or less also half of lot 827 in the 20th Dist 3 Sect Haralson County GA containing twenty acres more or less all valued at twelve hundred dollars
We give and bequeath unto Mrs. S. A. S. LATHAM, widow of our son ABIJAH B. LATHAM, DECEASED in trust for her childred born unto her by the said Abijah B. Latham two hundred dollars in cash to be paid to the said S. A. S. LATHAM by our son THOMAS S. LATHAM and the same We order shall be a charge upon the land herein before devised to the said T. S. LATHAM
We give to our daughter AMANDA E. PAINE two hundred dollars in cash to be paid by the said Thomas S. Latham
We give to our daughter MARTHA J. PHILPOT two hundred dollars in cash. Each of these three last above mentioned amounts we direct to be paid by the said THOMAS S. LATHAM without interest immediately after the Expiration of two years from the death one of us who may depart this life last and we further order that said sums shall be charged upon the lands herein before devised to our son Thomas S. Latham until the same are all paid.
We give and devise unto our son FARRIS C. LATHAM two hundred dollars in cash.
We give and bequeath unto our daughter MARY S. BUTLER two hundred dollars in cash.
We give to our daughter VASHTI C. SEWELL two hundred dollars in cash to be paid to our son ROBERT D. LATHAM in trust for the said VASHTI C. SEWELL and the heirs of her body.
We give to our daughter VIRGINIA A. PHILPOT two hundred dollars in cash.
We give to our daughter ELLIN A. WELLS two hundred dollars in cash. The five last above mentioned sums of money we direct to be paid to the parties therein named by our son JOHN T. LATHAM and we further order that the lands hereinbefore devised to our said son JOHN T. LATHAM shall be bound for the payment of said amounts of money and the same shall be a charge on said lands UNTIL BY HIM PAID nevertheless the said JOHN T. LATHAM we order shall have two years immediately after the Death of the one of us who shall depart this life last in which to pay the said amounts of money without interest.
We further will and direct that any and all personal property of which we may die seized and possessed shall be equally divided among all the heirs of our bodies.
It is our Will that all the lands and property herein devised shall remain undisturbed in the possession and enjoyment of the one of us which may survive the other and until we shall both depart this life then and not until then is it our desire that this Will or any part of it shall take effect.
We constitute and appoint our son Thomas S. Latham Executor of this our Will in witness whereof we the said HENRY LATHAM AND VASHTI C. LATHAM have hereunto set our hands and seas this 15th day of November 1878.
Henry Latham V. C. Latham
Witnesses: H. C. Head
J. K. Holcombe
Isaac Weatherby (sworn statement by witnesses) (Sworn state of JOHN T. LATHAM)
HARALSON COUNTY By S. M. Davenport, Ordinary in and for said County.
To all whom these presents may come greeting know ye that on the fourth day of August in the year of our Lord One Thousand eight hundred and seventy nine, the last Will and Testament of V. C. LATHAM late of said County deceased was Exhibited in open court and in solem form of law proved and admitted to record a copy of which is hereunto annexed and Administration of all and singular the goods and Chattels rights and credits Lands and tenements of said Deceased was granted to THOMAS S. LATHAM the Executor in and by said Will named and appointed he having first taken the Oath and performed all other requisites required by law he is by Order of said Ordinary by virtue of these presents legally authorized to administer the goods and chattels rights and credits lands and tenements of the said deceased according to the tenor and effect of said Will and Testament and according to law and he is hereby required to render a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the goods and chattels rights and credits land s and tenements of the said deceased and appraised and return to the Ordinary according to the law and to render a true and correct account to the said Ordinary of his actings and doings yearly until his Administration is fully completed
Witness my hand and seal this Fourth day of August 1879. S. M. Davenport (Ordinary)
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